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Another easy way to keep unwanted visitors out of your Zoom meeting is to use a waiting room. You’ll have to toggle this feature on in Zoom’s advanced settings menu. Select Preferences from the Zoom dropdown menu in your toolbar, then click Advanced Settings before selecting In Meeting Advanced and toggling the waiting room feature on.
This feature means that, instead of automatically being admitted to your meeting when they open the meeting link, attendees will need to wait for you to manually admit them. Until you allow them in, they’ll exist in a sort of gloriously secure limbo.
If you’re less concerned about strangers joining and more worried about keeping things on track once your meeting starts if you, for example, are teaching high school classes via Zoom , you can set your preferences to prevent screen sharing or annotating by participants. Similar to turning on your waiting room, just go to Zoom’s settings and, under In Meeting Basic , make sure that the settings are customized the way you want. Imagine you’re sitting on a Zoom call, discussing in great detail the spoilers to a popular show like LOST , when the person you’re supposed to meet with next joins a few minutes early—and has J.
Abrams’s masterpiece ruined for them. Ok, that’s a lighthearted and severely outdated example, but similar situations happen all the time. And if you’re trying to create an atmosphere of trust and privacy—for, say, a meeting with a direct report—you want to avoid anyone eavesdropping, accidental or otherwise.
Solution: Don’t use your personal meeting ID. Your PMI is essentially the same meeting link for every call you schedule, and using it means that your p. Unique Meeting IDs are just that—different for each meeting—so instead of accidentally overhearing your in-depth LOST conspiracy theories, your next meeting invitee will just see a neutral message telling them to wait for you to start the meeting. For added peace of mind, you can also prevent guests from joining a meeting before you.
Simply untick the box next to Enable join before host in your Zoom settings. It’s Monday. Everything is going just swimmingly for you; you know what day it is , you had a relaxing weekend, and you’re wearing something other than sweatpants. Or so you think, until you dial in to your a. Zoom meeting, and your camera and microphone turn on, and everyone hears your roommate yelling at you for forgetting to flush the toilet.
Please note that the quizzing function has limited grading capabilities e. You can download a report of the poll results after the session. When viewing the report, note that you will either see the names students provided when they joined the session or, if the poll was anonymous, “anonymous” as the student name. You can create a maximum of 50 polls in Zoom for a single session, with each poll having a maximum of 10 questions.
Schedule an invigilated exam with Zoom Different settings should be used for a Zoom invigilation session than for a real-time lecture. Before doing technical setup, decide who will be the host and co-hosts for the session. The host is the only person who can set up the session. The co-hosts are the other invigilators who, along with the host, can admit students from the waiting room and create, start, and monitor the breakout rooms. The host should modify a few default Zoom settings in their account before creating the invigilation session in Zoom.
To do this, go to ubc. Click the Meeting tab at the top if it is not selected already and set the following: Under “In Meeting Basic “, dis able the “Private chat” toggle, so students cannot send private messages to one another.
Enable the “Always show meeting control toolbar” toggle, so the host and co-hosts have quick access to the meeting controls.
Under “In Meeting Advanced “, dis able the “Virtual background” toggle, so students cannot hide what is in their background. Next, the host should confirm their ability to schedule exams for the size of the course, by clicking Profile in the top, far left-hand menu of the Zoom web portal. Finally, the host should schedule the Zoom exam session, with exam-specific adjustments: Click Schedule a Meeting at the top right of the Zoom web portal. Enter in the topic, date, and add the following: The start time – Set this at least 30 minutes before the actual exam start time.
The duration – Allow a minute buffer, to give time for checking IDs and troubleshooting any technical difficulties. A waiting room – Enable a waiting room to better control and know who joins the session and when.
On the confirmation page, click Copy Invitation beside the invite link. This action will open a pop-up window with the meeting link and details. Click Copy Meeting Invitation. Paste the session information wherever you are securely posting instructions for students about taking the exam e. Tips Let your students know to join the exam session at least 15 minutes early to make sure everything is working and to give time for you to check their IDs.
Tell students to send you the name they will use when joining the session , if they are not comfortable using their real name in Zoom and prefer to use an alias. You should start the session 30 minutes before the official exam start time. Click the Meetings icon at the top, and click Start for the session. Invigilators should join the meeting at least 20 minutes early. You then need to give the invigilators co-host status by clicking the Participants icon, then hovering over each invigilator’s name, clicking More , and selecting Make Co-Host.
If you do not see the participants icon, you may need to click More first. You and your invigilating team should also join or have access to another space to communicate privately outside of Zoom e. You or your invigilating team should disable in-meeting chatting among students from the main session, by clicking the Chat icon at the bottom of the Zoom meeting, then clicking the 3 vertical dots in the chat window and selecting Host and co-hosts.
You or your invigilating team can monitor students as they enter the meeting, by clicking the Participants icon. If you are using a waiting room, any invigilator can use this icon to admit students individually or admit everyone at once. Once most of your students have joined the session, you or your invigilating team can start the breakout rooms.
Click the Breakout Rooms icon at the bottom of your screen to assign students to breakout rooms. Assigning co-hosts : Zoom does not evenly distribute co-hosts when automatically assigning rooms, so the host will need to make manual adjustments to ensure each room has an invigilator designated as a co-host. Click Options on Windows or the gear icon on Mac to manage settings for breakout rooms. When you or your invigilating team are ready to start your breakout rooms, click Open All Rooms.
All participants will be moved into their respective rooms. Invigilators can click Gallery View in the upper right corner of the Zoom desktop application to see multiple video feeds at once. Invigilators should take attendance and verify student IDs, if they haven’t already. Make sure students know where to access the exam if they are not in it already , how to ask for help during the exam, when the exam will end, and what to do if they finish the exam early.
Then ask students to go ahead with the exam. Once the exam has started, you or another invigilator in the main session not in a breakout room can announce the exam instructions or the remaining time to all the breakout rooms by clicking the Breakout Rooms icon, then clicking Broadcast Message to All.
The invigilators will monitor for questions and academic integrity. You and your invigilating team will need to coordinate with each other using Teams or another external communication point to move themselves and their students in and out of breakout rooms e. When the exam end is nearing, you or another invigilator in the main session not in a breakout room can announce the time remaining to all the breakout rooms by using the Broadcast Message to All feature.
Ask your invigilators in the breakout rooms to also make a verbal announcement to ensure all students receive the message. When the exam is finished, the host or another invigilator can click Close All Rooms to return students to the main session. Tips Use your waiting room to control attendance and identity verification. A designated invigilator can admit each student individually, mark them down, and ask to see their ID. Create an extra, empty breakout room to have a private space that any invigilator can move themselves and the students in and out of , to accommodate anyone who wants to ask private questions.
This room can also be used to check student IDs. When verifying IDs, tell students to cover the first four digits of their student number to protect their privacy, especially if you are in a virtual space where other students can see.
You can download a class list with photo identifications from the Faculty Service Centre , if your class is too big to recognize students on sight. Instruct students to keep their microphones off during the exam , unless asked a question directly. Background noises can be distracting for others in the room. The student will receive a pop-up notification with your request. Do a practice exam by scheduling a Zoom meeting to test this process with students prior to the exam , so everyone knows what to expect before the stakes are high.
Have a contingency plan in place for any students who experience technical difficulties with joining the session, maintaining a stable Internet connection, or showing their video. If you wish to use recording, know that only cloud recording is allowed and breakout rooms are not recommended for the invigilation , as recording within them comes with challenging constraints. Host virtual office hours with Zoom You can use Zoom to host virtual office hours as well as individual or group meetings with students.
Enter in the topic e. In particular, you may want to click the checkbox for “Recurring meeting” so you can use the same session link for all your office hours during the term. Click the checkbox for “Waiting Room”. The waiting room is like a virtual hallway outside your office, where each student waits alone to enter.
On the meeting information page, click Copy Invitation below the meeting invite link. This will open a pop-up window with the meeting link and details. Paste the session information wherever you are securely posting information for students e. Click the Participants icon on the bottom of the screen. In the right-hand panel that opens, you can monitor and manage who is in your waiting room. If students are in the waiting room, you can message them by clicking Message next to “Waiting Room” and typing what you want to say in the chat that opens.
For example, if multiple students are waiting, you could indicate an order of admittance you will follow. You can let students into the meeting by clicking Admit next to their name. When you are finished meeting with an individual student or a group of students, ask them to leave the session on the bottom bar of their screen, they can click Leave and select Leave Meeting.
If you need to, you can move students back to the waiting room. Open the participant panel by clicking the Participants icon, hover over the student’s name, click More , and select Put in Waiting Room. Continue admitting students from the waiting room until your office hours end. Note: Your Zoom desktop application must be updated to version 5. Learn how to update your Zoom application here. Instruct attendees to ask questions in the chat, with all questions directed to the host only.
Also, for meeting security, the chat can be used inappropriately by unwanted attendees to display foul and disrespectful language that would be visible to everyone. This is more appropriate for a publicly accessible meeting, however it is always relevant. How : Click on Chat in the Zoom toolbar, click the three dots Note: Co-Hosts cannot see the chat messages, only the Host of the meeting can. Utilize Zoom’s live transcription feature to provide basic captioning to your participants.
Learn how to use this feature here. Note that these captions are not ADA compliant. In your account profile login to scu. During the meeting, you should change these settings to provide better control over the participants.
Note that some of these can only be set during a meeting. When clicking Mute All, viewable when the Manage Participants button is clicked in the Zoom toolbar, you can Mute all participants that are in the session and that will join the session at some point. You can do this by heading to Zoom. There are some limitations to free accounts, most notably, calls are limited to 40 minutes. You can easily get around this by ending the call and restarting it immediately, which refreshes the limit.
This is usually manageable for group meetings, but in cases where you need unlimited call times — such as open or formal meetings or online events — we have a few paid accounts that are available for groups. There are 2 ways you can set up a meeting. You can use your Personal Meeting ID link or set up a unique meeting instructions below. For security reasons it’s strongly recommended that you set up a unique meeting. However if you’re finding this difficult, you can use your Personal Meeting ID.
Your Personal Meeting ID is a permanent meeting link that you can use over and over for different meetings. Head to “Profile” in the left-hand panel. The link under your personal meeting ID is your personal meeting room. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Step 2. Completed by the person who will do the scheduling i. Go to Google Calendar. Refresh the screen so you see the updates.
UCD IT Services – Zoom Video Conferencing – Your video conferencing could be awesome
In your account profile (login to ) and consider changing TIP: do not enable screen sharing for participants if you have a public event. Once your UCD Zoom account has been set up, you can log in to Zoom with your UCD a Zoom webinar or a meeting, we recommend that you do not post the Zoom.
UBC Zoom Instructor Guide | Learning Technology Hub.
В этом случае индивидуальное счастье окажется на втором плане! Но ни одна из них не достигла даже слабейшего проблеска разума, что Олвин. В изумлении смотрел он на слегка изменившийся город.
Using Zoom Virtual Background Without a Physical Green Screen: Academic Technology Training –
You have no option besides quitting your job, assuming an alias, and moving to Bora Bora to escape your shame. Click Save. You can let students into the meeting by clicking Admit next to their name.