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The new PMC design is here! Learn more about navigating our updated article layout. The PMC legacy view will also be available for a limited time. Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. The security of application installers is often overlooked, but the security risks associated to these pieces of code are not negligible. Online public repositories have been one of the most usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft ways for end users to obtain software, but there is a lack of systematic security evaluation of popular public repositories.
In this paper, we bridge this gap by analyzing five popular software repositories. We analyzed 2, unique programs collected in a period of consecutive days. Modern operating systems OS have been providing more resources to meet users requirements over time.
However, the unique needs of an heterogeneous user population can only be fulfilled by third-party software. Whereas Linux-based systems model for obtaining new applications often depends from official distribution repositories [ 24 ], MS-Windows based systems do not present any centralized software repository, outsourcing to the users the responsibility for downloading additional programs.
In this scenario, online software repositories have become the de-facto standard repository for most users. On the one hand, these repositories are a very practical service, as they group multiple applications in a single place with ranking and searching features. Therefore, the users themselves are responsible for the implications of installing software downloaded from these repositories. Actually, most users blindly trust the repositories, which makes them vulnerable to exploitable code constructions e.
Trojanization is a common practice among attackers to deceive users into installing their malicious payloads inconspicuously and, when deployed on popular repositories, it might have a large-scale impact if we consider the potential target population of trojanized downloads.
Repository Trojanization examples include the cases of the Arch Linux repository [ 9 ], the Asus update system [ graduates iplookup pathways recent usajobs 2017 ], and the Android platform [ 20 ]. This scenario becomes even worse if we consider that most software repositories are known for appending other components to their distributed applications e. Software bundling might end up adding vulnerable components to previously safe applications.
It might also add tracking capabilities to initially privacy-respecting applications. It also opens to attackers the opportunity of embedding malicious payloads in programs distributed through repositories. Recent cases include Sourceforge [ 34 ]—accused of distributing malware via bundled binaries [ 18 ]—and malicious samples distribution via application installers [ 28 ].
Despite all occurrences of trojanized software in popular online software repositories, the academic literature dedicated to investigate this phenomenon is limited, and the few existing work mostly target the Android OS [ 1437 ], rather than MS-Windows, whose few existing work are still limited in coverage [ 13 ].
Therefore, to bridge this gap, we propose to investigate the five more popular online software repositories according to Alexa [ 2 ]aiming at shedding light on the occurrence of vulnerable constructions and Trojanized applications that actually may infect end users.
We submitted the resulting 2, distinct binaries to static and dynamic analysis systems. We also developed a tool to automatically install those programs during their run in the sandbox, which allowed us to observe interactions between the monitored program and the OS. Our results show that i the repositories are very dynamic, presenting frequent rank changes, thus allowing applications to fast climb to the first rank positions; ii the repositories often update their payloads, with distinct binaries being distributed over time even for the same applications.
We also observed differences in the installers for the same applications distributed by distinct repositories; iii the installers are very dynamic, presenting modular constructions and often downloading payloads from the Internet to complement their installation steps.
Whereas enabling flexibility, relying on the Internet also poses new risks if security measures are not taken. This paper is organized as follows: In Sect. Google Chrome ranks third in this repository and accounts for 6M downloads.
Microsoft Skype, the 28was downloaded 3M times. Therefore, every usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft in these repositories has potential to affect million users. In this scenario, every small percentage matters in the long-tail.
Table 1 summarizes the diverse operation of the software repositories. It shows who starts the procedure to include a software in the repository e. For перейти repositories, the process for adding a new software is started by the user filling some form. This will be further reviewed by the website managers.
All repositories advertise they assure the software quality, but no guideline is specified for any repository. FileHippo does not accept user requests and its managers decide by themselves which application will be included. Once a software is included, its download page mentions the software creator, but they do not report who requested the software to be included.
Most repositories allow the software to become popular by themselves, according to the number of downloads. CNET is a noticeable exception, allowing developers to sponsor their applications and climb ranking positions.
Therefore, the application ranked first in the CNET repository is not necessarily the most popular application among all. Most payloads are stored on internal repository servers and some repositories also allow users to directly get files from external sources вежливость agencies that post jobs free пост an alternative link option.
Requests are performed along with tokens which allow identifying the request origin. On the other hand, internal links always served distinct files than the official release mostly outdated versions. All repositories claim the provided files are security checked. Despite that, it is not clear to what extent analyses are performed.
In this section, we describe our methodology for приведу ссылку experiments in collecting and analyzing programs distributed via online software repositories. Repository Selection and Programs Collection. We selected the five most popular online software repositories according to Alexa score [ 2 ]: Softpedia [ 32 узнать больше здесь, Source Forge [ 34 ], CNet [ 10 ], File Hippo [ 11 ], usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft File Horse [ 12 ].
Our intention was to ensure a broad range of samples and, at the same time, to be able to process all collected data on a daily basis. Our crawler operates as follows: i it first canada day vancouver islanders ticketswest phone all application ranking pages enumerating the available software and pages; ii it selects the top most downloaded apps in the ranking; iii it accesses each selected application page and retrieves the download посетить страницу источник iv it downloads the file to our storage.
Automated Application Installation and Analysis. Although some installers enable unattended software installs, most of them requires users to interact with GUIs to proceed with installing steps Fig. More specifically, we developed an Autoit [ 5 ] script to click usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft Next and Finish buttons displayed within graphical windows, allowing installers to proceed without human interaction.
Automated Installation Example. AutoIT scripts click on the next button until the installation is complete. To do so, we propose to match behaviors identified in installers to those knowingly exhibited by malware and suspicious software usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft 16 ]. Our hypothesis is that benign software will exhibit none or few suspicious behaviors. The dynamic analysis consisted of running the samples in a virtualized sandbox machine with a malware monitoring system [ 7 ] to observe processes creation, filesystem operations, registry key changes, and network traffic.
All valid Windows binaries were uploaded to that sandbox, in which each one was installed using our clicker. Thus, our goal is to provide an overview of common practices implemented by the applications installers, avoiding focusing on particular cases. In this section, we present /6130.txt results obtained from the evaluation of the programs distributed by the five selected online software repositories.
Our experiment consisted of the following steps: i description of the collected dataset; ii evaluation of the content distribution dynamics within the repositories; iii drawing a landscape associating installers interaction with operating system internals; iv comparing the behavior exhibited by installers of the same software, but distributed by different repositories; v investigation for evidences of software trojanization. During the days of collection, we successfully downloaded 46, files from the five canada day events 2020 vancouver clinical pathology consultants software repositories and built a dataset with 2, unique files, related to 1, distinct programs Table 2.
Dataset overview. The number of unique files differs due to changes in distribution over time. The number of unique files is greater than that of unique applications because the distributed files vary over time among distinct repositories as well as within the same repositoryand the total number of downloaded files does not correspond to the expected sum of each repository downloads.
The reason is that 3. In Table 3we show that most repositories do not usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft files usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft themselves even for the same programs, implying that they distribute distinct program versions or installers.
File sharing among repositories. They usually do not share files for the same programs. Programs distributed by the repositories are packaged in multiple formats Table 4. Although Trojanization can be implemented via any packaging type, we focused on binaries with Windows PE file format [ 25 ], since they are the prevalent file format in our dataset, and are also self-contained installers, which makes Trojanization easier for attackers.
Most PE files present in our dataset usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft bits, still reflecting the long-term trend of developers that delay читать статью adoption of new programming techniques to native support bit applications, as reported in [ 36 ]. Interestingly, some installers are packed with UPX 2. Only File types distribution. Self-contained PE files are the prevalent type of program installers.
The differences in files usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft is important due to storage issues and because they may reveal implementation strategies behind the installer: smaller binaries usually only implement a client that downloads the actual payload from the Internet Type I installer ; larger binaries embed the payload themselves, dropping them at usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft time Type II installer.
Although the first approach enables content creators to keep distributing up-to-date versions of their software, it makes security checking harder, as the distributed content changes very often. In terms of Trojanization, an attacker who controls a Type-I installer might implement a downloader [ 27 ], whereas an attacker who controls a Type-II installer might implement a dropper [ 16 ]. Small binaries are associated to downloaders and large ones to droppers.
In addition, if it is easier for newly added usajobs pathways graduates 2017 calendar to climb the top ranking positions, their infection might become even more impacting. To delve into those dynamics, we evaluated the samples crawled daily from the repositories. In Fig. Overall, all datasets grew almost linearly due to our daily queries to the top ranking positions.
The daily number of collected programs was mostly constant, if usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download microsoft consider each repository, with few days presenting peaks or valleys in the crawling process.
The observed variations were related to Website updates or unavailability. Daily Downloads. Each repository distinguishes itself regarding the samples successfully downloaded, as in the addition of new samples.
We notice that FileHippo has many more new additions each day than the other repositories except for particular peaks in Softpedia, Sourceforge, and CNET. This is caused by the frequent update of the distributed payloads, which indicates that FileHippo is more volatile about the content of its distributed installers therefore may be riskier for users. Download of new unique files. The observed strategy of payload replacement led us to hypothesize that the top programs may also change their ranking positions frequently.
To investigate this hypothesis, we measured the fraction of programs whose ranks changed each day.