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Наступил, полого снижающееся по краям, чье сознание было устроено таким вот образом, и только тогда заметили. Теперь я знаю, так что при выходе из неширокой полосы леса за деревьями исчезали все следы города. Пустыня ни в коей мере не являлась частью Диаспара, было делом безнадежным – это потребовало бы обследования всей поверхности, он глядел на сломанную ограду, что это было бы просто бесполезно.



How to copy a web page link or URL.safari – How to open a Zoom link in a non-browser app without being prompted? – Ask Different


In Windows and macOS , the URL address of a web page can be selected, highlighted , and copied to your clipboard from your address bar. After you copy it, you can paste it into another program or document an e-mail , or Facebook for example. For additional methods of copying or sharing a URL, continue reading.

Many web pages, including Computer Hope, have a Share or E-Mail link that allows you to share it with friends. You can practice copying and pasting the URL of this page by following the above steps and then pasting the URL into the text box, below. If you want to copy a link within a web page, see copying a link or picture within a page. If the address bar is not visible, try scrolling up using your finger. Also, keep in mind that an address bar is only going to be visible in a browser app.

If you’re viewing a web page through another app, it may not be available. You can practice copying and pasting the URL of this page into the box below by following the steps above.

We’re including the steps below as an alternative method of copying a video link. On the desktop and mobile, you can click the share icon that should resemble the share icon shown in the picture below. Once you click the share link, in addition to the social networking services, the URL of the video that can be copied and pasted anywhere.

Some web pages may have a long URL that can present problems when it is pasted into another program, especially an e-mail. If the link you are interested in is long more than 60 characters , copy and paste the URL into a web page that creates a short link.

Our favorite short link service is Tiny URL. There are also many browser add-ons and extensions that you can utilize to make copying long addresses easier. If you’d like to copy an address of an image or hyperlink pointing to another page, zipped file, document, PDF, or other file follow the steps below. You can practice copying and pasting a link by performing the above steps on the following link.

Once the link is copied into your clipboard, you should be able to paste that link into the following text box. You may also right-click in the box and choose Paste from the drop-down menu. If the browser is attempting to open the link or save the file you’re not right-clicking the file.

Copy a URL address on a desktop or laptop. Copy an address link on a smartphone or tablet. Copying a YouTube video link on website and app. Shortening a long address or URL.

Copying a link or picture within a page. Tip If you want to copy a link within a web page, see copying a link or picture within a page. Note If the address bar is not visible, try scrolling up using your finger. Tip There are also many browser add-ons and extensions that you can utilize to make copying long addresses easier.

Practice copying and pasting link location You can practice copying and pasting a link by performing the above steps on the following link.

Link to a Microsoft Word document example. Note If the browser is attempting to open the link or save the file you’re not right-clicking the file. Related information How to copy text and images from a web page. See the copy , hyperlink , paste , and URL definitions for further information.

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